Radical decision to close down country’s 34 institutions has been fraught with difficulties.

“Kathryn Whetten, a professor at Duke University in the US, followed 1,357 children in institutions, and 1,480 in families in Ethiopia and Tanzania, to compare the effect of living in orphanages with family care.

Whetten published her conclusions in the scientific journal PLOS ONE in 2014, saying that without substantial improvements in care and support, placing children back with families will not significantly improve their welfare.”

Please click here to read this article.

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The Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research is currently hiring for an Administrative and Research Assistant to the Director position. Interested applicants should apply through the HR careers website at Duke University (www.hr.duke.edu) and search using requisition number 401067747 and send a cover letter and resume to alisa.barrett@chpir.org.


New MACH Pilot Proposal Grant Announced

The Maternal, Adolescent, and Child Health committee at DGHI announced another round of pilot proposal grants.

MACH-logo-finalThe Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) invites interdisciplinary teams to submit research
proposals in the area of Global Maternal, Adolescent and Child Health (MACH). Maternal,
Adolescent and Child Health is a research priority for DGHI.

DGHI seeks to provide pilot funds to stimulate interdisciplinary research in maternal, adolescent,
and child health with the goal of enabling investigators to leverage preliminary findings and data
to obtain larger awards of external funding. Collaborative and interdisciplinary proposals are
especially encouraged. Proposals that support a sustainable line of research in maternal,
adolescent, and child health will be prioritized.

Submission Format
Please combine all required elements into a single PDF document and submit via email to
Kathryn Whetten at k.whetten@duke.edu with subject line “MACH Pilot Grant Submission.”
1. Application due date: February 15, 2016 (Please send to Kathryn Whetten at
2. Funding notice date: March 1, 2016

For more information, please click on the image below to download the proposal request PDF or visit http://dghimach.com.

