CHPIR strives to serve Duke University as a coordinating unit for health policy research and dissemination. The Center has accumulated over 20 years experience in working with both governmental and foundation grants, with a robust portfolio of peer-reviewed publications.

Anna Holleman, Laura Upenieks, David Eagle2024Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Seminarians: Personal Experiences of Trauma and Implications for Pastoral Well-Being and Ministerial TrainingJournal of Psychology and Theology
Erin F Johnston, Jennifer Headley, David E Eagle2023Pastoring in a Pandemic: Sources and Types of Social Support Used by United Methodist Clergy in the Early Period of the COVID-19 PandemicJournal of Psychology and Theology
Dirk A Davis, Kathryn E Muessig, Derrick D Matthews, Gustavo Angeles, Luz McNaughton-Reyes, Karla Guzmán, Sanny Northbrook, Clare Barrington2023‘She showed me a new path, a way forward’: exploring how navigation influences mental health among Guatemalan gay and bisexual men living with HIVHealth Promotion International
Clare Barrington, Dirk A Davis, Gustavo Angeles, Angela Yolanda Pajarito Rompich, Renato Santa Luce, Victoria Shelus, Sanny Northbrook2023HIV Treatment and Mental Health Outcomes Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men Living With HIV in a Pilot Multicomponent Intervention in Guatemala CityHealth Education & Behavior
Dirk A. Davis, Gabriell Duarte, Daniel Villatoro, Paola Letona, Clare Barrington, Jennifer Wheeler2022Interpersonal violence victimisation, HIV-related behaviours and STIs among adult, urban Indigenous and non-Indigenous gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in GuatemalaCulture, Health & Sexuality
Sara H LeGrand, Dirk A Davis, Heather E Parnell, Elizabeth J Trefney, Brian Goings, Ta'Jalik Morgan2022Integrating HIV and Mental Health Services for Black Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Living with HIV: Findings from the STYLE 2.0 InterventionAIDS Patient Care and STDs
Davis, D.A., Orellana E.R., Estrada-Villalta S., Brouwer, K.C.2022COVID-19, violence, and mental health among Indigenous gay and bisexual men in Guatemala: An urgent call from key stakeholders. Global Public Health
Fuentes Beltrán, L., Davis, D.A., Barrington, C., Castro, M., Pérez, D.2022"I did not get this disease on the street; it was brought home as a gift": Gender, violence and HIV vulnerability among Cuban women. Culture, Health & Sexuality
Hirsch, A., and Gray, C.20224 ways that census undercounting could impact the health of Pennsylvanians. The Philadelphia Inquirer
Johnston, E. F., Eagle, D. E., Corneli, A., Perry, B., & Proeschold-Bell, R. J. 2022Seminary Students and Physical Health: Beliefs, Behaviors, and Barriers.Journal of Religion and Health
Gray, C.L., Whetten K., Daniels, J.L., Hudgens, M.G., Pettifor, A.E., Hobbie, A.M., Thielman, N.M., Dubie, M.E., Itemba, D., Madan, I., Vann, V., Wasonga, A.I., Ostermann, J., Manongi, R., Whetten, R.A., & Pence, B.W. 2021 Family composition and stability for orphans: A longitudinal study of well-being in 5 low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Public Health
Blackburn, N.A., Dong, W., Threats, M., Barry, M., LeGrand, S., Hightow-Weidman, L.B., Soni, K., Pulley, D.V., Bauermeister, J.A. and Muessig, K.2021Building Community in the HIV Online Intervention Space: Lessons From the HealthMPowerment Intervention.Health Education & Behavior
Eagle, D. E., Johnston, E., Headley, J., & Holleman, A.2021The Financial Impacts of COVID-19 on United Methodist Churches in North Carolina: a Qualitative Study of Pastors’ Perspectives and Strategies.Review of Religious Research
Johnston, E. F., Eagle, D. E., Headley, J., & Holleman, A.2021Pastoral ministry in unsettled times: A qualitative study of the experiences of clergy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Review of Religious Research
Wharton, M. , Harris, O., Chapman Lambert, C., LeGrand, S.2021"The More Things Change, the More Things Remain the Same": It's Time to Dismantle Structural Inequalities of Racism, Discrimination, and Health DisparitiesJournal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
Dorsey, S., Gray, C. L., Wasonga, A. I., Amanya, C., Weiner, B. J., Belden, C. M., Martin, P., Meza, R. D., Weinhold, A. K., Soi, C., Murray, L. K., Lucid, L., Turner, E. L., Mildon, R., and Whetten, K.2020Advancing successful implementation of task-shifted mental health care in low-resource settings (BASIC): protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trialBMC Psychiatry
Dorsey, S., Lucid, L., Martin P., King, K.M., O’Donnell, K., Murray, L.K., Wasonga, A.I., Itemba, D.K., Cohen, J.A., Manongi, R., and Whetten, K.2020Effectiveness of Task-Shifted Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children Who Experienced Parental Death and Posttraumatic Stress in Kenya and Tanzania: A Randomized Clinical TrialJAMA Psychiatry
Gomes de Jesus, J., Belden, C.M., Huynh, H.V., Malta, M., LeGrand, S., Kaza, V.G.K., and Whetten, K.2020Mental health and challenges of transgender women: a qualitative study in Brazil and IndiaInternational Journal of Transgender Health
Malta, M., Gomes de Jesus, J., LeGrand, S., Seixas, M., Benevides, B., Silva, M.d.D., Lana, J.S., Huynh, H.V., Belden, C.M., and Whetten, K. 2020‘Our life is pointless … ’: Exploring discrimination, violence and mental health challenges among sexual and gender minorities from BrazilGlobal Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice
Liu, X., Whetten, K., Prose, N.S., Eagle, D., Parnell, H.E., Amanya, C., Vann, V., Dubie, M.E., Kaza, V.G.K., Tzudir, S., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2020Enjoyment and meaning in daily activities among caregivers of orphaned and separated children in four countriesChildren and Youth Services Review
Hightow-Weidman, L., Muessig, K., Egger, J.R., LeGrand, S., and Platt, A.2020Predictors of Condomless Anal Intercourse in Young HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men With Detectable Viral LoadsJournal of Adolescent Health
Malta, M., LeGrand, S., Turban, J., Poteat, T., and Whetten, K.2020Gender-congruent government identification is crucial for gender affirmationThe Lancet Public Health
Keyes, C.L.M., Yao, J., Hybels, C.F., Milstein, G., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2020Are changes in positive mental health associated with increased likelihood of depression over a two year period? A test of the mental health promotion and protection hypothesesJournal of Affective Disorders
Case, A.D., Keyes, C.L.M., Huffamn, K.F., Sittser, K., Wallace, A., Khatiwoda, P., Parnell, H.E., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2020Attitudes and behaviors that differentiate clergy with positive mental health from those with burnoutJournal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Evon, D.M., Yao, J., Niedzwiecki, D., Makarushka, C., Keefe, K.A., Patkar, A.A., Mannelli, P., Garbutt, J.C., Wong, J.B., Wilder, J.M., Datta, S.K., Hodge, T., Naggie, S., Fried, M.W., and Muir, A.J. 2020A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Integrated Alcohol Reduction Intervention in Patients With Hepatitis C InfectionHepatology
Cooper, H., Reif, S., Shilling, S., and Wilson, E.2020Social media support group: Implementation and evaluationAIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
Bhavasar, N.A., Kumar, M., and Richman, L.2020Defining gentrification for epidemiologic research: A systematic reviewPLOS One
Bhavasar, N.A., Li, D., Ramos, M., and Richman, L. 2020Abstract MP05: Impact of Gentrification on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Outcomes in England: 2004-2018AHA Journals
McCrary, A.W., Nyandiko, W.M., Ellis, A.M., Chakraborty, H., Muehlbauer, M.J., Koech, M.M., Daud, I., Birgen, E., Thielman, N.M., Kisslo, J.A., Barker, P.C.A., and Bloomfield, G.S.2020Early cardiac dysfunction in children and young adults with perinatally acquired HIVAIDS
Hertz, J.T., Sakita, F.M., Kweka, G.L., Limkakeng, A.T., Galson, S.W., Ye, J.J., Tarimo, T.G., Temu, G., Thielman, N.M., Bettger, J.P., Bartlett, J.A., Mmbaga, B.T., and Bloomfield, G.S.2020Acute myocardial infarction under-diagnosis and mortality in a Tanzanian emergency department: A prospective observational studyAmerican Heart Journal
Agala, C.B., Fried, B.J., Thomas, J.C., Reynolds, H.W., Lich, K.H., Whetten, K., Zimmer, C., and Morrissey, J.P.2020Reliability, validity and measurement invariance of the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire (SMAQ) among HIV-positive women in Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental studyBMC Public Health
Wall, J.T., Kaiser, B.N., Friis-Healy, E.A., Ayuku, D., and Puffer, E.S. 2020What about lay counselors’ experiences of task-shifting mental health interventions? Example from a family-based intervention in KenyaInternational Journal of Mental Health Systems
Benjamin-Neelon, S., Liu, T., Puffer, E.S., Turner, L., Zaltz, D., Thorne-Lyman, A., and Broverman, S.2020A Garden-Based Intervention to Improve Dietary Diversity in Kenyan School Children: Results from a Natural ExperimentCurrent Developments in Nutrition
Kuerten, B.G., Brotkin, S., Bonner, M.J., Ayuku, D.O., Njuguna, F., Taylor, S.M., and Puffer, E.S.2020Psychosocial Burden of Childhood Sickle Cell Disease on Caregivers in KenyaJournal of Pediatric Psychology
Watson, L.K., Kaiser, B.N., Giusto, A.M., Ayuku, D., and Puffer, E.S.2020Validating mental health assessment in Kenya using an innovative gold standardInternational Journal of Psychology
Giusto, A., Ayuku, D., and Puffer, E.S.2020An intervention to reduce alcohol use and improve family engagement for fathers in low-resource settings: Development and feasibility testing in KenyaOSF Preprints
Langhaug, L., Finnegan, A., Schenk, K., Puffer, E.S., Rusakaniko, S. and Green, E.P. 2020Caregiver self-efficacy to talk about sex predicts conversations about HIV transmission risk with perinatally infected young people in ZimbabweAIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
Patel, P., Kaiser, B.N., Meade, C.S., Giusto, A., Ayuku, D. and Puffer, E.S.2020Problematic alcohol use among fathers in Kenya: Poverty, people, and practices as barriers and facilitators to help acceptanceInternational Journal of Drug Policy
Agala, C.B., Fried, B.J., Thomas, J.C., Reynolds, H.W., Lich, K.H., Whetten, K., Zimmer, C. & Morrissey, J.P. 2020 Reliability, Validity and Measurement Invariance of the WHO’s Quality of Life Scale among Women of Reproductive Age Living with HIV in Ethiopia - a Quasi-Experimental StudyApplied Research in Quality of Life
Meza, R.D., Kiche, S., Soi, C., Khairuzzaman, A.N., Nales, C.J.R., Whetten, K., Wasonga, A.I., Amanya, C. & Dorsey, S. 2020Barriers and facilitators of child and guardian attendance in task-shifted mental health services in schools in western KenyaGlobal Mental Health
Keyes, C.L., Sohail, M.M., Molokwu, N.J., Parnell, H., Amanya, C., Kaza, V.G.K., Saddo, Y.B., Vann, V., Tzudier, S. & Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2020How Would You Describe a Mentally Healthy Person? A Cross-Cultural Qualitative Study of Caregivers of Orphans and Separated ChildrenJournal of Happiness Studies
Hybels, C. F., Blazer, D. G., Eagle, D. E., and Proeschold-Bell, R. J.2020Age differences in trajectories of depressive, anxiety, and burnout symptoms in a population with a high likelihood of persistent occupational distressInternational Psychogeriatrics
Pack, A., Maman, S., Reyes, H.L.M., Nyblade, L., Whetten, K., Zimmer, C., Gray, C.L. and Golin, C.2020Predictors of HIV Testing among Orphaned Youths in Three East African Countries.AIDS and Behavior
Choi, S.K., Boynton, M.H., Ennett, S., Muessig, K., Bauermeister, J., LeGrand, S. and Hightow-Weidman, L.2020Sexual Empowerment Among Young Black Men Who Have Sex with Men.The Journal of Sex Research
Vasudevan, L., Stinnett, S., Mizelle, C., Melgar, K., Makarushka, C., Pieters, M., Sanchez, L.E.R., Jeronimo, J., Huchko, M.J. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2020Barriers to the uptake of cervical cancer services and attitudes towards adopting new interventions in Peru.Preventive Medicine Reports
Patel, Y.A., Yao, J., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Niedzwiecki, D., Goacher, E. and Muir, A.J.2020Reduced Alcohol Use Is Sustained in Patients Provided Alcohol-Related Counseling During Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C.Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Biru, B.M., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Kaiser, B.N., Parnell, H.E., Kaza, V.G.K., Madan, I., Dubie, M.E., Vann, V., Amanya, C. and Whetten, K.2020Residential Care Directors’ Perceptions of Desirable Characteristics of Caregivers for Orphaned and Separated Children.International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
Puffer, E.S., Healy, E.F., Green, E.P., Giusto, A.M., Kaiser, B.N., Patel, P. and Ayuku, D.2020Family Functioning and Mental Health Changes Following a Family Therapy Intervention in Kenya: a Pilot Trial. Journal of Child and Family Studies
Greene, M.C., Kane, J.C., Bolton, P., Murray, L.K., Wainberg, M.L., Yi, G., Sim, A., Puffer, E., Ismael, A. and Hall, B.J.2020Assessing trauma and related distress in refugee youth and their caregivers: should we be concerned about iatrogenic effects?European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Green, E.P., Lai, Y., Pearson, N., Rajasekharan, S., Rauws, M., Joerin, A., Kwobah, E., Musyimi, C., Jones, R.M., Bhat, C. and Mulinge, A.2020Expanding Access to Perinatal Depression Treatment in Kenya Through Automated Psychological Support: Development and Usability Study.JMIR Formative Research
Madut, D.B., Park, L.P., Yao, J., Reddy, E.A., Njau, B., Ostermann, J., Whetten, K. and Thielman, N.M.2020Predictors of mortality in treatment experienced HIV-infected patients in northern TanzaniaPLOS One
Ostermann, J., Mühlbacher, A., Brown, D.S., Regier, D.A., Hobbie, A., Weinhold, A., Alshareef, N., Derrick, C. and Thielman, N.M.2020Heterogeneous patient preferences for modern antiretroviral therapy: results of a discrete choice experimentValue in Health
Ostermann, J., Njau, B., Hobbie, A., Mtuy, T., Masaki, M.L., Shayo, A., van Zwetselaar, M., Masnick, M., Flaherty, B., Brown, D.S. and Mühlbacher, A.C.2020Using discrete choice experiments to design interventions for heterogeneous preferences: protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a preference-informed, heterogeneity-focused, HIV testing offer for high-risk populationsBMJ Open
Hertz, J.T., Sakita, F.M., Kweka, G.L., Bloomfield, G.S., Bartlett, J.A., Tarimo, T.G., Temu, G., Bettger, J.P. and Thielman, N.M.2020Effect of a Triage‐Based Screening Protocol on Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome in a Tanzanian Emergency Department: A Prospective Pre‐Post StudyJournal of the American Heart Association
Manavalan, P., Madut, D.B., Hertz, J.T., Thielman, N.M., Okeke, N.L., Mmbaga, B.T. and Watt, M.H.2020Hypertension burden and challenges across the hypertension treatment cascade among adults enrolled in HIV care in northern Tanzania.The Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Hunter, K., Knettel, B., Reisinger, D., Ganapathy, P., Lian, T., Wong, J., Mayorga-Young, D., Zhou, A., Elnagheeb, M., McGovern, M. and Thielman, N.2020Examining Health Care Access for Refugee Children and Families in the North Carolina Triangle Area.North Carolina Medical Journal
Manavalan, P., Madut, D.B., Hertz, J.T., Thielman, N.M., Okeke, N.L., Mmbaga, B.T. and Watt, M.H.2020Hypertension burden and challenges across the hypertension treatment cascade among adults enrolled in HIV care in northern Tanzania.The Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Ngeno, G.T.K., Barasa, F.A., Kwobah, E., Kamano, J., Vedanthan, R., Knettel, B., Navuluri, N., Egger, J.R., Thielman, N., Kussin, P. and Kraus, W.E.2020Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Integrated Cardiac Rehabilitation Among Heart Failure Patients in Kenya.Circulation
Esmaili, E., Winters, I., Kaakati, R., Lee, A., Augustine, A. and Thielman, N.2020Pediatric Refugee Health and Patterns of Health Care Utilization in DurhamNorth Carolina Medical Journal
Montenegro, L., Velasque, L., LeGrand, S., Whetten, K., Rafael, R.M., and Malta, M.2019Public Health, HIV Care and Prevention, Human Rights and Democracy at a Crossroad in BrazilAIDS and Behavior
Ostermann, J., Vasudevan, L., Baumgartner, J.N., Ngadaya, E., and Mfinanga, S.G.2019Do mobile phone-based reminders and conditional financial transfers improve the timeliness of childhood vaccinations in Tanzania? Study protocol for a quasi-randomized controlled trialTrials
Dorsey, S., Meza, R. D., Martin, P., Gray, C. L., Triplett, N. S., Soi, C., Woodard, G. S., Lucid, L., Amanya, C., Wasonga, A., and Whetten, K. 2019Lay Counselor Perspectives of Providing a Child-Focused Mental Health Intervention for Children: Task-Shifting in the Education and Health Sectors in KenyaFront Psychiatry
Eagle, D.E., Kinghorn, W.A., Parnell, H., Amanya, C., Vann, V., Tzudir, S., Kaza, V.G.K., Safu, C.T., Whetten, K. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2019Religion and Caregiving for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: A Qualitative Study of Caregivers Across Four Religious Traditions and Five Global ContextsJournal of Religion and Health
Malta, M., Cardoso, R., Montenegro, L., Gomes de Jesus, J., Seixas, M., Benevides, B., Dores Silva, M.D., LeGrand, S., and Whetten, K., 2019Sexual and gender minorities rights in Latin America and the Caribbean: a multi-country evaluationBMC International Health and Human Right
Malta, M., Wells, S., LeGrand, S., Seixas, M., Baptista, A., Silva, C.P., Kalume, C., and Whetten, K.,2019Abortion in Brazil: the case for women's rights, lives, and choicesThe Lancet
Rosengren, A.L., Menza, T.W., LeGrand, S., Muessig, K.E., Bauermeister, J.A., and Hightow-Weidman, L.B.2019Stigma and Mobile App Use Among Young Black Men Who Have Sex With MenAids Education and Prevention: Official Publication of the International Society for Aids Education
Malta, M., Silva, A.B., LeGrand, S., Whetten, K., and Wells, S.2019HIV/AIDS, human rights, and transgender people in Latin AmericaThe Lancet Public Health
Choi, S.K., LeGrand, S., Dong, W., Muessig, K.E., and Hightow-Weidman, L.2019Condom use intentions mediate the relationships between psychosocial constructs and HIV sexual risk behavior in young Black men who have sex with men.AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
Huynh, H.V., Limber, S.P., Gray, C.L., Thompson, M.P., Wasonga, A.I., Vann, V., Itemba, D., Eticha, M., Madan, I., and Whetten, K.2019Factors affecting the psychosocial well-being of orphan and separated children in five low- and middle-income countries: Which is more important, quality of care or care setting?PLOS One
Proeschold-Bell, R. J., Molokwu, N. J., Keyes, C. L. M., Sohail, M. M., Eagle, D. E., Parnell, H. E., and Whetten, K.2019Caring and thriving: An international qualitative study of caregivers of orphaned and vulnerable children and strategies to sustain positive mental healthChildren and Youth Services Review
Galletly, C.L., Lechuga, J., Glasman, L.R., DiFranceisco, W., Broaddus, M.R., Dickson-Gomez, J.B., McAuliffe, T.L., Vega, M., LeGrand, S., Mena, C.A., Barlow, M.L., and Montenegro, J.I.2019HIV Testing and Mistaken Beliefs about Immigration Laws
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Richman, L., Pearson, J., Beasley, C., and Stanifer, J.2019Addressing health inequalities in diverse, rural communities: An unmet needScience Direct
Huynh, H.V.2019Lessons Learned from High-Quality Residential Care Centers Around the World: A Visual StoryInternational Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice
Kinghorn, W.A., Keyes, C.L.M., Parnell, H.E., Eagle, D.E., Biru, B.M., Amanya, C., Vann, V., Kaza, V.G.K., Tzudir, S., Saddo, Y.B., Whetten, K. & Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2019Putting virtues in context: engaging the VIA classification of character strengths in caregiving for orphans and vulnerable children across culturesThe Journal of Positive Psychology
Lutz, J. & Eagle, D.E.2019Social Networks, Support, and Depressive Symptoms: Gender Differences among ClergySocius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World
Naar, S., Hudgens, M.G., Brookmeyer, R., Carcone, A.I., Chapman, J., Chowdhury, S., Ciaranello, A., Comulada, W.S., Ghosh, S., Horvath, K.J., Ingram, L., LeGrand, S., Reback, C.J., Simpson, K., Stanton, B., Starks, T. & Swendeman, D. 2019Improving the Youth HIV Prevention and Care Cascades: Innovative Designs in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS InterventionsAIDS Patient Care and STDs
Milstein, G., Hybeis, C.F. & Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2019A prospective study of clergy spiritual well-being, depressive symptoms, and occupational distress.Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Reif, S., Wilson, E., McAllaster, C. & Pence, B. 2019The Relationship of HIV-related Stigma and Health Care Outcomes in the US Deep SouthAIDS and Behavior
Richman, L.S. & Zucker, A.N. 2019Quantifying intersectionality: An important advancement for health inequality researchSocial Science & Medicine
Hertz, J.T., Sakita, F.M., Kweka, G.L., Loring, Z., Thielman, N.M., Temu, G. & Bartlett, J.A.2019Healthcare-seeking behaviour, barriers to care and predictors of symptom improvement among patients with cardiovascular disease in northern TanzaniaInternational Health
Hertz, J.T., Sakita, F.M., Manavalan, P., Madut, D.B., Thielman, N.M., Mmbaga, B.T., Staton, C.A. & Galson, S.W. 2019The Burden of Hypertension and Diabetes in an Emergency Department in Northern TanzaniaEthnicity & Disease
Jian, Y., Neas, L., Messer, L.C., Gray, C.L., Jagai, J.S., Rappazzo, K.M. & Lobdell, D.T.2019Divergent trends in life expectancy across the rural–urban gradient and association with specific racial proportions in the contiguous USA 2000–2005International Journal of Public Health
Finnegan, A., Langhaug, L., Schenk, K., Puffer, E.S., Rusakaniko, S., Choi, Y., Mahaso, S. & Green, E.P.2019The prevalence and process of pediatric HIV disclosure: A population-based prospective cohort study in ZimbabwePLOS One
Puffer, E.S., Friis-Healy, E.A., Giusto, A., Stafford, S. & Ayuku, D. 2019Development and Implementation of a Family Therapy Intervention in Kenya: a Community-Embedded Lay Provider ModelGlobal Social Warfare
Vasudevan, L., Henschke, N., Glenton, C., Lewin, S., Maayan, N., Eyers, J., Fønhus, M.S., Tamrat, T. and Mehl, G.L.2018Birth and death notification via mobile devicesCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Vasudevan, L., Zeller, K. and Labrique, A.
2018Mobile HealthDigital Health
Green, E., Chase, R.M., ZayZay, J., Finnegan, A. and Puffer, E.S.2018The impact of the 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak in Liberia on parent preferences for harsh discipline practicesGlobal Mental Health
Derrick, C.B., Ostermann, J., Weissman, S.B., Hobbie, A., Alshareef, N., Weinhold, A., Yelverton, V. and Thielman, N.2018Who Wants to Switch? Gauging Patient Interest in Novel Antiretroviral TherapiesOpen Forum Infectious Diseases
Yelverton, V., Ostermann, J., Hobbie, A., Madut, D. and Thielman, N.2018A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Antiretroviral Treatment Preferences: What Do Patients Really Want?AIDS Patient Care and STDs
Hybels, C.F., Blazer, D.G., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.

2018Persistent Depressive Symptoms in a Population With High Levels of Occupational Stress: Trajectories Offer Insights Into Both Chronicity and ResilienceJournal of Psychiatric Practice
McCumber, M., Cain, D., LeGrand, S., Mayer, K. H., Murphy, D. A., Psioda, M. A., Seña, A. C., Starks, T. J., and Hudgens, M.2018Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions Data Harmonization: Rationale and Development of GuidelinesJMIR research protocols
LeGrand, S., Knudtson, K., Benkeser, D., Muessig, K., Mcgee, A., Sullivan, P. S., and Hightow-Weidman, L. 2018Testing the Efficacy of a Social Networking Gamification App to Improve Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adherence (P3: Prepared, Protected, emPowered): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled TrialJMIR research protocols
Proeschold-Bell, R. J., Steinberg, D. M., Yao, J., Eagle, D. E., Smith, T. W., Cai, G. Y., and Turner, E. L. 2018Using a holistic health approach to achieve weight-loss maintenance: results from the Spirited Life interventionTranslational Behavioral Medicine
Khandekar, E., Kramer, R., Ali, A. S., Al-Mafazy, A. W., Egger, J. R., LeGrand, S., Mkali, H. R., McKay, M., and Ngondi, J. M.2018Evaluating Response Time in Zanzibar’s Malaria Elimination Case-Based Surveillance–Response SystemThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Proeschold-Bell, R., Evon, D.M., Makarushka, C., Wong, J.B., Datta, S.K., Yao, J., Patkar, A.A., Mannelli, P., Hodge, T., Naggie, S., Wilder, J.M., Fried, M.W., Niedzwiecki, D., and Muir, A.J.2018 The Hepatitis C-Alcohol Reduction Treatment (Hep ART) intervention: Study protocol of a multi-center randomized controlled trialContemporary Clinical Trials
Eagle, D.E., Hybels, C.F., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2018Perceived social support, received social support, and depression among clergyJournal of Social and Personal Relationships
Wilder, J.M., Yao, J., Makarushka, C., Evon, D., Fried, M.W., Naggie, S., Muir, A.J., and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2018Sa1463 - Associations of Alcohol Consumption Motives with Depression and Pain Among Individuals with Hepatitis COfficial Journal of the AGA Institute
Khatiwoda, P., Proeschold-Bell, R., Meade, C.S., Park, L.P., and Proescholdbell, S.2018Facilitators and Barriers to Naloxone Kit Use Among Opioid-Dependent Patients Enrolled in Medication Assisted Therapy Clinics in North CarolinaNorth Carolina Medical Journal
Hough, H., Proeschold-Bell, R., Liu, X., Weisner, C., Turner, E.L., and Yao, J.2018Relationships between Sabbath Observance and Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health in ClergyPastoral Psychology
Eagle, D., Keister, L.A. & Read, J.G.2018Household Charitable Giving at the Intersection of Gender, Marital Status, and ReligionNonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Hightow-Weidman, L.S., LeGrand, S., Muessig, K.E., Simmons, R.A., Soni, K., Choi, S.K., Kirschke-Schwartz, H. & Egger, J.R.2018A Randomized Trial of an Online Risk Reduction Intervention for Young Black MSMAIDS and Behavior
Pearson, J.A. & Geronimus, A.T. 2018A Practical Guide to Biological Primary Data Collection in an Impoverished Urban Setting: Illuminating Structural and Social Influences on Population Health InequitySAGE Research Methods Cases in Sociology
Richman, L. S., & Stock, M2018Necessary considerations for a life course perspective on discrimination and health.Social Science & Medicine
Richman, L. S., Pascoe, E., & Lattanner, M.2018Interpersonal discrimination and physical health.The Oxford handbook of stigma, discrimination, and health
DeLong, S.M., Graham, L.M., Magee, E.P., Treves-Kagan, S., Gray, C.L., McClay, A.M., Zarnick, S.M., Kupper, L.L., Macy, R.J., Ashley, O.S., Pettifor, A., Moracco, K.E. & Martin, S.L. 2018Contents Full Article Content List Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements References Figures & Tables Article Metrics Related Articles Cite Share Request Permissions Explore More Download PDF Starting the Conversation: Are Campus Sexual Assault Policies Related to the Prevalence of Campus Sexual Assault?Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Gray, C.L., Lobdell, D.T., Rappazzo, K.M., Jian, Y., Jagai, J.S., Messer, L.C., Patel, A.P., DeFlorio-Barker, S.A., Lyttle, C., Solway, J. & Rzhetsky, A. 2018Associations between environmental quality and adult asthma prevalence in medical claims dataEnvironmental Research
Gray, C.L., Messer, L.C., Rappazzo, K.M., Jagai, J.S., Grabich, S.C. & Lobdell, D.T. 2018The association between physical inactivity and obesity is modified by five domains of environmental quality in U.S. adults: A cross-sectional studyPLOS One
Gray, C.2018The effects of disruptions in care on wellbeing in orphansUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School
Green, E.P., Cho, H., Gallis, J. & Puffer, E.S. 2018The impact of school support on depression among adolescent orphans: a cluster‐randomized trial in KenyaThe Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Healy, E.A., Kaiser, B.N. & Puffer, E.S.2018Family-based youth mental health interventions delivered by nonspecialist providers in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review.Families, Systems, & Health
Puffer, E.S., Annan, J., Sim, A.L., Salhi, C. and Betancourt, T.S.2017The impact of a family skills training intervention among Burmese migrant families in Thailand: A randomized controlled trialPLOS One
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Muessig, K.E., LeGrand, S., Horvath, K.J., Bauermeister, J.A. and Hightow-Weidman, L.B.2017Recent mobile health interventions to support medication adherence among HIV-positive MSMCurrent Opinion in HIV and AIDS
Hightow-Weidman, L.B., Muessig, K.E., Bauermeister, J.A., LeGrand, S. and Fiellin, L.E.2017The future of digital games for HIV prevention and careCurrent Opinion in HIV and AIDS
Hightow-Weidman, L.B., LeGrand, S., Choi, S.K., Egger, J., Hurt, C.B. and Muessig, K.E.2017Exploring the HIV continuum of care among young black MSMPLOS One
Asiedu, M.N., Agudogo, J., Krieger, M.S., Miros, R., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Schmitt, J.W. and Ramanujam, N.2017Design and preliminary analysis of a vaginal inserter for speculum-free cervical cancer screeningPLOS One
Lattanner, M.R. and Richman, L.S. 2017Effect of Stigma and Concealment on Avoidant-Oriented Friendship GoalsJournal of Social Issues
Giusto, A., Friis, E., Sim, A.L., Chase, R.M., Zayzay, J.O., Green, E. and Puffer, E.2017A Qualitative Study of Mechanisms Underlying Effects of a Parenting Intervention in Rural LiberiaThe European Journal of Development Research
Kane, J.C., Bolton, P., Murray, S.M., Bass, J.K., Lakin, D., Whetten, K., van Wyk, S. and Murray, L.K. 2017Psychometric evaluation of HIV risk behavior assessments using Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI) among orphans and vulnerable children in ZambiaAIDS Care
McGarrity, L.A., Huebner, D.M., Nemeroff, C.J. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2017Longitudinal Predictors of Behavioral Intentions and HIV Service Use Among Men Who Have Sex with MenPrevention Science
Giusto, A.M., Green, E.P. and Puffer, E.S. 2017Associations Between Fathers' and Sons' Sexual Risk in Rural Kenya: The Potential for Intergenerational TransmissionJournal of Adolescent Health
Adams, C.J., Hough, H., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Yao, J. and Kolkin, M.2017Clergy Burnout: A Comparison Study with Other Helping ProfessionsPastoral Psychology
Case, A.D., Eagle, D.E., Yao, J. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2017Disentangling Race and Socioeconomic Status in HealthDisparities Research: an Examination of Black and White Clergy
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Horvath, K.J., Lammert, S., LeGrand, S., Muessig, K.E. and Bauermeister, J.A.2017Using technology to assess and intervene with illicit drug-using persons at risk for HIVCurrent Opinion in HIV and AIDS
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Turner, E.L., Bennett, G.G., Yao, J., Li, X-F, Eagle, D.E., Meyer, R.A., Williams, R.B., Swift, R.Y., Moore, H.E., Kolkin, M.A., Weisner, C.C., Rugani, K.M., Hough, H.J., Williams, V.P. and Toole, D.C.2017A 2-Year Holistic Health and Stress Intervention: Results of an RCT in Clergy
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Jackson, B. Nault, K., Richman, L.S., LaBelle, O. and Rohleder, N. 2017Does that pose become you? Testing the effect of body postures on self-conceptComprehensive Results in Social Psychology
Goodman, M.L., Puffer, E.S., Keiser, P.H. and Gitari, S. 2017Suicide clusters among young Kenyan menJournal of Health Psychology
Lechuga, J., Galletly, C.L., Broaddus, M.R., Dickson-Gomez, J.B., Glasman, L.R., McAuliffe, T.L., Vega, M.Y., LeGrand, S., Mena, C.A., Barlow, M.L., Valera, E. and Montenegro, J.I. 2017The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Immigration Law Concerns Scale (ILCS) for HIV TestingJournal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Reif, S., Safley, D., McAllaster, C., Wilson, E. and Whetten, K. 2017State of HIV in the US Deep South Journal of Community Health
Eagle, D.E., Miles, A.A. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2017The Honeymoon is Over: Occupational Relocation and Changes in Mental Health Among United Methodist ClergyReview of Religious Research
Wachter, K., Horn, R., Friis, E., Falb, K., Ward, L., Apio, C., Wanjiku, S. and Puffer, E.2017Drivers of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Three Refugee CampsViolence Against Women
Smith, T.W., Eagle, D.E. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2017Prospective Associations Between Depressive Symptoms and the Metabolic Syndrome: the Spirited Life Study of Methodist Pastors in North CarolinaAnnals of Behavioral Medicine
Case, A.D., Eagle, D.E., Yao, J. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2017Disentangling Race and Socioeconomic Status in HealthDisparities Research: an Examination of Black and White ClergyJournal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Gray, C.L., Sumedha, A., Pence, B.W. and Whetten, K.2017Why Institutions Matter: Empirical Data from Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries Indicate the Critical Role of Institutions for Orphans Child Maltreatment in Residential Care
Stock, M.L, Gibbons, F.X., Beekman, J.B., Williams, K.D., Richman, L.S. and Gerrard, M. 2017Racial (vs. self) affirmation as a protective mechanism against the effects of racial exclusion on negative affect and substance use vulnerability among black young adultsJournal of Behavioral Medicine
Richman, L.S., Blodorn, A. and Major, B. 2016An identity-based motivational model of the effects of perceived discrimination on health-related behaviorsGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
LeGrand, S., Scheid, T.L. and Whetten, K.
2016The Differential Impact of Social Relationships on Health Outcomes for HIV Positive Men and Women Research in the Sociology of Health Care
Lee, C., Whetten, K., Omer, S., Pan, W. and Salmon, D. 2016Hurdles to herd immunity: Distrust of government and vaccine refusal in the US, 2002–2003 Vaccine
Reddy, E.A., Agala, C.B., Maro, V.P., Ostermann, J., Pence, B.W., Itemba, D.K., Safley, D., Yao, J., Thielman, N.M. and Whetten, K.2016Test site predicts HIV care linkage and antiretroviral therapy initiation: a prospective 3.5 year cohort study of HIV-positive testers in northern Tanzania. BMC Infectious Diseases
Annan, J., Sim, A., Puffer, E.S., Salhi, C. and Betancourt, T.S.2016Improving Mental Health Outcomes of Burmese Migrant and Displaced Children in Thailand: a Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of a Parenting and Family Skills InterventionPrevention Science
Gray, C.L., Whetten, K., Messer, L.C., Whetten, R.A., Ostermann, J., O'Donnell, K., Thielman, N.M. and Pence, B.W.2016Potentially traumatic experiences and sexual health among orphaned and separated adolescents in five low-and middle-income countriesAIDS Care
Puffer, E.S., Green, E.P., Sikkema, K.J., Broverman, S.A., Ogwang-Odhiambo, R.A. and Pain, J. 2016A church-based intervention for families to promote mental health and prevent HIV among adolescents in rural Kenya: Results of a randomized trial.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Gray, C.L., Pence, B.W., Messer, L.C., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R.A., Thielman, N.M., O’Donnell, K. and Whetten, K.2016Civic engagement among orphans and non-orphans in five low- and middle-income countriesGlobalization and Health
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Reif, S., Taylor, B., Patkar, A., Mannelli, P., Yao, J. and Quinlivan, E.B.2016Substance Use Outcomes of an Integrated HIV–Substance Use Treatment Model Implemented by Social Workers and HIV Medical ProvidersHealth & Social Work
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Ramadhanj, H.O., Bartlett, J.A., Thielman, N.M., Pence, B.W., Kimani, S.M., Maro, V.P., Mwako, M.S., Masaki, L.J., Mmbando, C.E., Minja, M.G., Lirhunde, E.S. and Miller, W.C. 2016The Effect of Switching to Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy on the Risk of Opportunistic Infections Among Patients Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Northern TanzaniaOpen Forum Infectious Diseases
Sinha, A., Lombe, M., Saltzman, L. Y., Whetten, K., & Whetten, R. 2016Exploring Factors Associated with Educational Outcomes for Orphan and Abandoned Children in IndiaGlobal Social Welfare
Gray, C.L., Pence, B.W., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R.A., O'Donnell, K., Thielman, N.M. and Whetten, K.2015Gender (in) differences in prevalence and incidence of traumatic experiences among orphaned and separated children living in five low-and middle-income countries.Global Mental Health
Culver, K.A., Whetten, K., Boyd, D.L. and O'Donnell, K.2015Yoga to Reduce Trauma-Related Distress and Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties Among Children Living in Orphanages in Haiti: A Pilot StudyThe Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Hightow-Weidman, L.B., Muessig, K.E., Bauermeister, J., Zhang, C. and LeGrand, S.2015Youth, technology, and HIV: recent advances and future directions. Current HIV/AIDS Reports
Eagle, D.E. 2015Historicizing the MegachurchJournal of Social History
Hightow-Weidman, L.B., Muessig, K.E., Pike, E.C., LeGrand, S., Baltierra, N., Rucker, A.J. and Wilson, P.2015HealthMpowerment. org: building community through a mobile-optimized, online health promotion intervention. Health Education & Behavior
Eagle, D.E. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2015Methodological considerations in the use of name generators and interpreters.Social Networks
Rappazzo, K.M., Messer, L.C., Jagai, J.S., Gray, C.L., Grabich, S.C. and Lobdell, D.T.
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Sullivan, K.A., Messer, L.C. and Quinlivan, E.B.2015Substance abuse, violence, and HIV/AIDS (SAVA) syndemic effects on viral suppression among HIV positive women of color. AIDS Patient Care and STDs
Skalski, L.M., Watt, M.H., MacFarlane, J.C., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Stout, J.E. and Sikkema, K.J.2015Mental Health and Substance Use Among Patients in a North Carolina HIV ClinicNorth Carolina Medical Journal
Gaynes, B.N., Pence, B.W., Atashili, J., O’Donnell, J.K., Njamnshi, A.K., Tabenyang, M.E., Arrey, C.K., Whetten, R., Whetten, K. and Ndumbe, P.
2015Changes in HIV outcomes following depression care in a resource-limited setting: results from a pilot study in Bamenda, Cameroon.PLOS One
Skalski, L.M., Watt, M.H., MacFarlane, J.C., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Stout, J.E. and Sikkema, K.J.2015Mental health and substance use among patients in a North Carolina HIV clinic. North Carolina Medical Journal
LeGrand, S., Reif, S., Sullivan, K., Murray, K., Barlow, M.L. and Whetten, K.2015A review of recent literature on trauma among individuals living with HIV. Current HIV/AIDS Reports
Walther, N.G., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Benjamin-Neelon, S., Adipo, S. and Kamaara, E.
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2015Substance Use Outcomes of an Integrated HIV–Substance Use Treatment Model Implemented by Social Workers and HIV Medical ProvidersHealth & Social Work
Ostermann, J., Brown, D.S., Mühlbacher, A., Njau, B. and Thielman, N.2015Would you test for 5000 Shillings? HIV risk and willingness to accept HIV testing in Tanzania.Health Economics Review
Schatz, J., Schlenz, A., McClellan, C.B., Puffer, E.S., Hardy, S., Pfeiffer, M. and Roberts, C.W.2015Changes in Coping, Pain and Activity following Cognitive-Behavioral Training: A Randomized Clinical Trial for Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease using Smartphones
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Gray, C.L., Pence, B.W., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R.A., O’Donnell, K., Thielman, N.M. and Whetten, K.2015Prevalence and Incidence of Traumatic Experiences Among Orphans in Institutional and Family-Based Settings in 5 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Longitudinal Study. Global Health: Science and Practice
Reif, S., Pence, B.W., Hall, I., Hu, X., Whetten, K. and Wilson, E.
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Dorsey, S., Lucid, L., Murray, L., Bolton, P., Itemba, D., Manongi, R. and Whetten, K.2015A Qualitative Study of Mental Health Problems Among Orphaned Children and Adolescents in Tanzania.The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Richman, L.S., Martin, J. and Guadagno, J. 2015Stigma-Based Rejection and the Detection of Signs of AcceptanceSocial Psychological and Personality Science
Utamsingh, P.D., Richman, L.S., Martin, J.L, Lattanner, M.R. and Chaikind, J.R.
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Pence, B.W., Gaynes, B.D., Thielman, N.M., Heine, A., Mugavero, M.J., Turner, E.L. and Quinlivan, E.B. 2015Balancing Contamination and Referral Bias in a Randomized Clinical Trial: An Application of Pseudo-Cluster RandomizationAmerican Journal of Epidemiology
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Eisenberg, A., Adams, C., Smith, B., Legrand, S. and Wilk, A.2015The Glory of God is a Human Being Fully Alive: Predictors of Positive Versus Negative Mental Health Among ClergyJournal for the Scientific Study of Religion
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O'Donnell, K., Dorsey, S., Gong, W., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R., Cohen, J. A., Itemba, D., Manongi, R., & Whetten, K.2014Treating Unresolved Grief and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Orphaned Children in Tanzania: Group-based Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral TherapyJ Trauma Stress
Reif, S.S., Whetten, K., Wilson, E.R., McAllaster, C., Pence, B.W., Legrand, S. and Gong, W.2014HIV/AIDS in the Southern USA: a disproportionate epidemic.AIDS Care
Ostermann, J., Whetten, K., Reddy, E., Pence, B., Weinhold, A., Itemba, D., Maro, V., Mosille, E., Thielman, N. and CHAT Research Team2014Treatment retention and care transitions during and after the scale-up of HIV care and treatment in Northern Tanzania. AIDS Care
Guru Rajan, D., Shirey, K., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R., O’Donnell, K. and Whetten, K.2014Child and caregiver concordance of potentially traumatic events experienced by orphaned and abandoned children.Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies
Njau, B., Ostermann, J., Brown, D., Mühlbacher, A., Reddy, E. and Thielman, N.2014HIV testing preferences in Tanzania: a qualitative exploration of the importance of confidentiality, accessibility, and quality of service. BMC Public Health
Muessig, K.E., Baltierra, N.B., Pike, E.C., LeGrand, S. and Hightow-Weidman, L.B.2014Achieving HIV risk reduction through HealthMpowerment. org, a user-driven eHealth intervention for young Black men who have sex with men and transgender women who have sex with men. Digital Culture & Education
LeGrand, S., Muessig, K.E., Pike, E.C., Baltierra, N. and Hightow-Weidman, L.B.2014If you build it will they come? Addressing social isolation within a technology-based HIV intervention for young black men who have sex with men.AIDS Care
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Yao, J., Gorthala, S. and Muir, A.2014Development of a Measure of Hepatitis C-alcohol Knowledge. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education
Ostermann, J., Njau, B., Brown, D.S., Mühlbacher, A. and Thielman, N.2014Heterogeneous HIV testing preferences in an urban setting in Tanzania: results from a discrete choice experiment.PLoS One
Escueta, M., Whetten, K., Ostermann, J. and O’Donnell, K.2014 Adverse childhood experiences, psychosocial well-being and cognitive development among orphans and abandoned children in five low income countries. BMC International Health and Human Rights
Belenky, N.M., Cole, S.R., Pence, B.W., Itemba, D., Maro, V. and Whetten, K.2014 Depressive symptoms, HIV medication adherence, and HIV clinical outcomes in Tanzania: a prospective, observational study.PLoS One
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Yang, C., Toth, M., Rivers, M.C. and Carder, K.2014Closeness to God among those doing God’s work: A spiritual well-being measure for clergy.Journal of Religion and Health
O'Donnell, K., Yao, J., Ostermann, J., Thielman, N., Reddy, E., Whetten, R., Maro, V., Itemba, D., Pence, B., Dow, D. and Whetten, K. 2014Low rates of child testing for HIV persist in a high-risk area of East Africa.AIDS Care
Whetten, K., Ostermann, J., Pence, B.W., Whetten, R.A., Messer, L.C., Ariely, S., O'Donnell, K., Wasonga, A.I., Vann, V., Itemba, D. and Eticha, M.2014Three-year change in the wellbeing of orphaned and separated children in institutional and family-based care settings in five low-and middle-income countries. PLOS One
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Horn, R., Puffer, E.S., Roesch, E. and Lehmann, H. 2014Women’s perceptions of effects of war on intimate partner violence and gender roles in two post-conflict West African Countries: consequences and unexpected opportunitiesConflict and Health
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Richman, L.S. and Hatzenbuehler, M.L. 2014A Multilevel Analysis of Stigma and HealthPolicy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Puffer, E.S., Schatz, J.C. and Roberts, C.W. 2014Association between somatic growth trajectory and cognitive functioning in young children with sickle cell diseaseJournal of Health Psychology
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Hall, B.J., Puffer, E.S., Murray, L.K., Ismael, A., Bass, J.K., Sim, A. and Bolton, P.A.2014The Importance of Establishing Reliability and Validity of Assessment Instruments for Mental Health Problems: an Example from Somali Children and Adolescents Living in Three Refugee Camps in EthiopiaPsychological Injury and Law
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Green, E.P., Warren, V.R., Broverman, S., Ogwang, B. and Puffer, E.S. 2014Participatory mapping in low-resource settings: Three novel methods used to engage Kenyan youth and other community members in community-based HIV prevention researchGlobal Public Health
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Thielman, N.M., Ostermann, J., Whetten, K., Whetten, R., Itemba, D., Maro, V., Pence, B., Reddy, E. and Team, T.C.R.2014Reduced adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected Tanzanians seeking cure from the Loliondo healer.Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
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Puffer, E.S., Pain, J. Sikkema, K.J., Ogwang-Odhiambo, R.A. and Broverman, S.A.
2013Developing a Family-Based Hiv Prevention Intervention in Rural Kenya: Challenges in Conducting Community-Based Participatory ResearchJournal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Miles, A., Toth, M., Adams, C., Smith, B.W. and Toole, D.
2013Using Effort-Reward Imbalance Theory to Understand High Rates of Depression and Anxiety Among ClergyThe Journal of Primary Prevention
LeGrand, S., Muessig, K.A., McNulty, T., Soni, K., Knudtson, K., Lemann, A., Nwoko, N. and Hightow-Weidman, L.B.2013Epic Allies: Development of a Gaming App to Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Young HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With MenJMIR Serious Games
Pence, B.W., Whetten, K., Shirey, K.G., Yao, J., Thielman, N.M., Whetten, R., Itemba, D. and Maro, V.2013Factors associated with change in sexual transmission risk behavior over 3 years among HIV-infected patients in Tanzania.PLOS One
Reif, S., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Yao, J., LeGrand, S., Uehara, A., Asiimwe, E. and Quinlivan, E.B.
2013Three types of self-efficacy associated with medication adherence in patients with co-occurring HIV and substance use disorders, but only when mood disorders are presentJournal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Whetten, K., Shirey, K., Pence, B.W., Yao, J., Thielman, N., Whetten, R., Adams, J., Agala, B., Ostermann, J., O'Donnell, K. and Hobbie, A.2013Trauma history and depression predict incomplete adherence to antiretroviral therapies in a low income country.PLOS One
Richman, L.S. 2013The Multi-Motive Model of Responses to Rejection-Related ExperiencesThe Oxford Handbook of Social Exclusion
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Richman, L.S., Boynton, M.H., Costanzo, P. and Banas, K. 2013Interactive Effects of Discrimination and Racial Identity on Alcohol-Related Thoughts and UseBasic and Applied Social Psychology
O'Donnell, K., Yao, J., Ostermann, J., Thielman, N., Reddy, E., Whetten, R., Maro, V., Itemba, D., Pence, B., Dow, D. and Whetten, K.
2013Low rates of child testing for HIV persist in a high-risk area of East AfricaAIDS Care
Hasson, R.E., Adam, T.C., Pearson, J., Davis, J.N., Spruijt-Metz, D. & Goran, M.I. 2013Sociocultural and socioeconomic influences on type 2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese African-American and Latino-American children and adolescentsJournal of Obesity
Reif, S.S., Whetten, K., Wilson, E.R., McAllaster, C., Pence, B.W., Legrand, S. and Gong, W.
2012HIV/AIDS in the Southern USA: A disproportionate epidemicAIDS Care
Wallace, A.C., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., LeGrand, S., James, J., Swift, R., Toole, D. and Toth, M.2012Health Programming for Clergy: An Overview of Protestant Programs in the United StatesPastoral Psychology
Hightow-Weidman, L.B., Phillips, G., Outlaw, A.Y., Wohl, A.R., Fields, S., Hidalgo, J. and LeGrand, S. 2012Patterns of HIV Disclosure and Condom Use Among HIV-Infected Young Racial/Ethnic Minority Men Who Have Sex with Men
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Asiimwe, E., Proeschold Bell, R.J., Page, K., Nankunda, A. and Boyd, D.2012Young men’s willingness to undergo Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) decreases with increased educational attainment in some rural areas of central Uganda
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Meyer, S., Murray, L.K., Puffer, E.S., Larsen, J. and Bolton, P.
2012The nature and impact of chronic stressors on refugee children in Ban Mai Nai Soi camp, ThailandGlobal Public Health
Pence, B.W., Shirey, K., Whetten, K., Agala, B., Itemba, D., Adams, J., Whetten, R., Yao, J. and Shao, J.2012Prevalence of psychological trauma and association with current health and functioning in a sample of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Tanzanian adults. PLOS One
Hoyt, M.A., Rubin, L.R., Nemeroff, C.J., Lee, J., Huebner, D.M. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2012HIV/AIDS-related institutional mistrust among multiethnic men who have sex with men: effects on HIV testing and risk behaviors.Health Psychology
O’Donnell, K., Murphy, R., Ostermann, J., Masnick, M., Whetten, R.A., Madden, E., Thielman, N.M., Whetten, K. and Positive Outcomes for Orphans (POFO) Research Team.2012 A brief assessment of learning for orphaned and abandoned children in low and middle income countries.AIDS and Behavior
Proeschold-Bell, R.J. and LeGrand, S.2012Physical health functioning among United Methodist clergy.Journal of Religion and Health
Proeschold-Bell, R.J. and McDevitt, P.J.2012An Overview of the History and Current Status of Clergy HealthJournal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., LeGrand, S., Wallace, A., James, J., Moore, H.E., Swift, R. and Toole, D.2012Tailoring Health Programming to Clergy: Findings From a Study of United Methodist Clergy in North CarolinaJournal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
Thielman, N., Ostermann, J., Whetten, K., Whetten, R., O’Donnell, K. and Positive Outcomes for Orphans (POFO) Research Team. 2012Correlates of poor health among orphans and abandoned children in less wealthy countries: the importance of caregiver health. PLOS One
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Patkar, A.A., Naggie, S., Coward, L., Mannelli, P., Yao, J., Bixby, P. and Muir, A.J.2012An Integrated Alcohol Abuse and Medical Treatment Model for Patients with Hepatitis CDigestive Diseases and Sciences
LeGrand, S., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., James, J. and Wallace, A.2012Healthy leaders: Multilevel health promotion considerations for diverse United Methodist Church pastorsJournal of Community Psychology
Pence, B.W., Mugavero, M.J., Carter, T.J., Leserman, J., Thielman, N.M., Raper, J.L., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Reif, S. and Whetten, K.2012Childhood trauma and health outcomes in HIV-infected patients: an exploration of causal pathways.Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Miles, A. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2012Are Rural Clergy Worse Off?: An Examination of Occupational Conditions and Pastoral Experiences in a Sample of United Methodist Clergy Sociology of Religion
Kolman, M., DeCoster, M., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Hunter, G.A., Bartlett, J. and Seña, A.C.2011The increasing impact of human immunodeficiency virus infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and viral hepatitis in Durham County, North Carolina: a call for coordinated and integrated services.North Carolina Medical Journal
Miles, A. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2011Exploring Rural/Non-Rural Differences Among United Methodist Churches and Clergy in North CarolinaReview of Religious Research
Miles, A., Proeschold-Bell, R.J. and Puffer, E.2011Explaining rural/non-rural disparities in physical health-related quality of life: a study of United Methodist clergy in North CarolinaQuality of Life Research
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Legrand, S., James, J., Wallace, A., Adams, C. and Toole, D.2011A Theoretical Model of the Holistic Health of United Methodist ClergyJournal of Religion and Health
Whetten, K., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R., O'Donnell, K. and Thielman, N.2011More than the loss of a parent: potentially traumatic events among orphaned and abandoned childrenJournal of Traumatic Stress
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Hoeppner, B., Taylor, B., Cohen, S., Blouin, R., Stringfield, B. and Muir, A.J.2011An Interrupted Time Series Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Intervention for Persons with HIVAIDS and Behavior
Whetten, R., Messer, L., Ostermann, J., Whetten, K., Pence, B.W., Buckner, M., Thielman, N. and O'Donnell, K.2011Child work and labour among orphaned and abandoned children in five low and middle income countries.BMC International Health and Human Rights
Proeschold-Bell, R.J. and LeGrand, S.H.2010High Rates of Obesity and Chronic Disease Among United Methodist ClergyObesity
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Heine, A., Pence, B.W., McAdam, K. and Quinlivan, E.B.2010A Cross-Site, Comparative Effectiveness Study of an Integrated HIV and Substance Use Treatment ProgramAIDS Patient Care and STDs
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Belden, C.M., Parnell, H., Cohen, S., Cromwell, M. and Lombard, F.2010A randomized controlled trial of health information exchange between human immunodeficiency virus institutions.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Blouin, R., Reif, S., Amana, A., Rowland, B.J., Lombard, F., Stringfield, B. and Muir, A.J.2010Hepatitis C transmission, prevention, and treatment knowledge among patients with HIV.Southern Medical Journal
Belden, C.M. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2010A comparison of the adoption of electronic health records in North Carolina and South Carolina HIV systems.Southern Medical Journal
Messer, L.C., Pence, B.W., Whetten, K., Whetten, R., Thielman, N., O'Donnell, K. and Ostermann, J.2010Prevalence and predictors of HIV-related stigma among institutional-and community-based caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children living in five less-wealthy countries. BMC Public Health
Flores, B., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Barton, B., Belden, M. and Lombard, F.2010Provider reports on changes and barriers to changes in HIV-HCV co-infection practicesJournal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services
Weaver, M.R., Conover, C.J., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Arno, P.S., Ang, A., Uldall, K.K. and Ettner, S.L.2009Cost-effectiveness analysis of integrated care for people with HIV, chronic mental illness and substance abuse disordersJournal of Mental Health Policy and Economics
Whetten, K., Ostermann, J., Whetten, R.A., Pence, B.W., O'Donnell, K., Messer, L.C., Thielman, N.M. and Positive Outcomes for Orphans (POFO) Research Team.2009A comparison of the wellbeing of orphans and abandoned children ages 6–12 in institutional and community-based care settings in 5 less wealthy nations. PLOS One
Lombard, F., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Cooper, K., Musselwhite, L. and Quinlivan, E.B.2009Adaptations across Clinical Sites of an Integrated Treatment Model for Persons with HIV and Substance AbuseAIDS Patient Care and STDs
Ettner, S.L., Conover, C.J., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Weaver, M.R., Ang, A., Arno, P.S., Kalichman, S., Knipmeyer, M.C., Meyer, P., Bell, J., Andersen, M., Calsyn, R., Keane, T., Sacks, S., Soto, T., Uldall, K., Winiarski, M. and Whetten, K.2008Triply-diagnosed patients in the HIV/AIDS Treatment Adherence, Health Outcomes and Cost Study: patterns of home care useAIDS Care
Nemeroff, C.J., Hoyt, M.A., Huebner, D.M. and Proeschold-Bell, R.J.2008The Cognitive Escape Scale: Measuring HIV-related Thought AvoidanceAIDS and Behavior
Weaver, M.R., Conover, C.J., Proeschold-Bell, R.J., Arno, P.S., Ang, A. and Ettner, S.L.2008Utilization of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care for People Living With HIV/AIDS, Chronic Mental Illness, and Substance Abuse DisordersJournal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Magnus, M., Herwehe, J., Proescholdbell, R.J., Lombard, F., Cajina, A., Dastur, Z., Millery, M. and Sabundayo, B.P.2007Guidelines for effective integration of information technology in the care of HIV-infected populations.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Proescholdbell, R.J., Roosa, M.W. and Nemeroff, C.J.2006Component measures of psychological sense of community among gay men Journal of Community Psychology
Proescholdbell, R.J., Chassin, L. and MacKinnon, D.P.20004 ways that census undercounting could impact the health of Pennsylvanians. Nicotine Tob Res.