Strength Through Youth Livin’ Empowered 2.0 (STYLE 2.0)


  • Strength Through Youth Livin’ Empowered (STYLE) 2.0 provided virtual medical and social support services to young (ages 18-35) Black men who have sex with men living with HIV in the Triangle region of North Carolina and the Columbia, South Carolina area. Key intervention components included 1:1 health care navigation; support groups; motivational interviewing for substance use and mental health disorders; and a mobile app with tailored health and wellness resources, gamified learning activities, and community discussion forums. Our research analyzes participant experiences throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; intersecting stigmas; and the impacts of intervention components on engagement, linkage, and retention in HIV medical care and supportive services.

    • Principal Investigator: Sara LeGrand 

    • CHPIR Staff: Heather Parnell (Research Manager), Brian Goings-Reid (Health Care Navigator), Taj Morgan (Health Care Navigator), Elizabeth Trefney (Project Coordinator)

    • Partners: ACE Africa - Kenya, Meahto Phum Ko'mah (Homeland), Stand for Vulnerable Organization, Sahara Centre for Residential Care and Rehabilitation, Tanzania Women Research Foundation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    • Funder:Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS)
    • Project Dates:8/01/2018 - 7/31/2022