The York County Interagency Coalition Monday heard a preliminary report on a study being done by Duke University on unmet health care needs and barriers in the county.

One of Duke’s researchers, Susan Reif, says one of the study’s conclusions is that unmet health care needs seem to be relatively common for people who are uninsured or on Medicaid.

Listen online to the audio clip of CHPIR faculty member Susan Reif.

Chris Conover talks about AHEI

Chris Conover had a chance to talk about his recent publication, the American Health Economy Illustrated at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) conference, “Bad Medicine: The Misconceptions Driving the Health Care Debate”.

From the AEI website, “In a respectful but divided discussion on Tuesday [February 28, 2012] at AEI, health experts discussed the effectiveness and cost of health care in the United States, particularly in comparison to its Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) counterparts. Giving a thorough synopsis of the research advanced in his newly released book “American Health Economy Illustrated,” Christopher Conover contended that research consistently underestimates the effectiveness of U.S. health care outcomes and exaggerates the system’s costs. In addition, Conover asserted that socioeconomic and lifestyle variables greatly influence benchmark measures such as life expectancy and infant mortality rates and that health systems have limited ability to influence such variables. Furthermore, the methods of calculating these benchmark measures differ greatly among countries:  the U.S. counts deaths of unviable and premature infants in its infant mortality statistics, but most other countries do not.” Find more information about the conference and responses to Dr. Conover’s presentation on the AEI site here.

To learn more about this project, and for a link to purchase a copy of the book visit our AHEI page.

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