Reported by the Duke Global Health Institute:

Four in ten hepatitis C patients who drank alcohol refrained from it as part of a Duke pilot program that integrates alcohol and hepatitis C treatments. Led by DGHI researcher Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell and Duke physician Andrew Muir, the dual model of care may be a viable option for steering these patients away from alcohol, who may otherwise develop serious health complications that lead to liver failure or death.

The Duke study, featured in the April issue of Digestive Diseases and Sciences, involved hepatitis C patients from the Duke Liver Clinic who received both alcohol treatment and medical care over a six-month period. Of the 53 alcohol-drinking patients in the study, 44 percent had stopped drinking alcohol by the end of the six months. Patients who did not become abstinent by six months still reported a 30 percent drop in alcohol consumption, spending on alcohol and urges to drink.

“We were able to show that integrated hepatitis C-alcohol care is feasible,” said Proeschold-Bell, a DGHI faculty member at the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research. “More than that, the study shows that such integrated care results in alcohol reductions that benefit patient health.”

Researchers say the intervention worked in part because it focused on liver health, rather than simply reducing alcohol use. It involved weekly group therapy and bi-weekly individual sessions customized to each patient that address alcohol use, nutrition, stress and family support. Because knowledge alone does not change behavior, the addictions specialist taught patients practical ways to improve other aspects of their lives based on their individual circumstances.  Study participants were also evaluated for mental illness and had access to a psychiatrist for care, if needed.

The research team also found ways to increase communication and collaboration between the patient’s hepatologist and addictions specialist, a critical part of the study.

“We didn’t know the extent to which we could get busy medical providers and addictions specialists to collaborate. We had to find ways to fit the collaboration into the clinic flow,” said Proeschold-Bell. “In some instances, we had the addictions specialist use a laptop outside the patient exam rooms so medical providers could easily access her and her knowledge about the patient’s alcohol use and behavior changes.”

To date, studies have shown that adults with hepatitis C are three times more likely to have at least one alcoholic drink a day and almost eight times more likely to have at least three drinks a day, compared to adults without hepatitis C.  The combination of alcohol use and hepatitis C speeds the time to liver failure and increases rates of liver fibrosis and cancer.

As strong proponents of clinic-based alcohol treatment, Proeschold-Bell and Muir hope to pursue a larger study that recruits patients from the Duke Liver Clinic, the UNC Liver Clinic and the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

“Alcohol treatment needs to occur in a trusted and known setting,” said Muir.  “This study shows that patients will attend alcohol treatment offered in the liver clinic setting and try to change their behaviors in the context of their lives beyond alcohol use.”

More information on this CHPIR project on the HEP ART page

Chris Conover talks about AHEI

Chris Conover had a chance to talk about his recent publication, the American Health Economy Illustrated at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) conference, “Bad Medicine: The Misconceptions Driving the Health Care Debate”.

From the AEI website, “In a respectful but divided discussion on Tuesday [February 28, 2012] at AEI, health experts discussed the effectiveness and cost of health care in the United States, particularly in comparison to its Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) counterparts. Giving a thorough synopsis of the research advanced in his newly released book “American Health Economy Illustrated,” Christopher Conover contended that research consistently underestimates the effectiveness of U.S. health care outcomes and exaggerates the system’s costs. In addition, Conover asserted that socioeconomic and lifestyle variables greatly influence benchmark measures such as life expectancy and infant mortality rates and that health systems have limited ability to influence such variables. Furthermore, the methods of calculating these benchmark measures differ greatly among countries:  the U.S. counts deaths of unviable and premature infants in its infant mortality statistics, but most other countries do not.” Find more information about the conference and responses to Dr. Conover’s presentation on the AEI site here.

To learn more about this project, and for a link to purchase a copy of the book visit our AHEI page.

NC-LINK featured in Duke Chronicle

Lynne Messer and team’s NC-LINK project was featured in the Duke Chronicle today – see full article on their site:

“We are hoping this intervention will make a meaningful change in the state-level rates of testing and people engaged in appropriate HIV care,” said Lynne Messer, assistant professor of global health at CHPIR and Duke’s principle investigator for the initiative. “The state-wide data structure that we will be building over the next four years will allow those who care for HIV-positive clients to know if their people are appropriately engaged in care or have somehow been lost.”

Congratulations again to the NC-LINK team!