Summer 2017 Job Postings!

2017 Summer Internship in Qualitative Analysis and International Research:

Focus on Positive Mental Health

The Duke Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research is looking for a self-motivated undergraduate or graduate student to work with a team analyzing interview and diary data from orphan caregivers in India, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Kenya.  Our international team members are conducting interviews with caregivers now and will have them translated and transcribed by May.  We are looking for an intern whom we will teach to code transcript quotes in the software NVivo and to contribute original thinking about the data across countries and religions.

Our study, funded by Saint Louis University and the Templeton Foundation, is called: Flourishing mental health in caregivers: A mixed methods study of religion and virtue across four countries and religious traditions. In this interdisciplinary, cross-cultural study, we seek to understand pathways for sustaining flourishing mental health among caregivers of orphans living in four countries (India, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Cambodia) and of four religious traditions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism). This qualitative and quantitative study includes interviews, surveys, and diaries. The findings aim to advance theoretical concepts of stress, coping, and well-being; to inform the measurement of virtue; and to provide practical guidance on how caregivers in challenging contexts can flourish.

The 2017 summer intern or interns will:

  • Read transcripts of orphan caregiver interviews
  • Make notes on initial thoughts about those interview data and write brief summaries for each transcript
  • Code the interview data (Identify quotes in transcripts that match a code, using a set of codes that we will have defined in a codebook. Then, using the software NVivo, will mark that code on the quote.)
  • Write “memos” on thoughts that occur to the intern while coding the interview data. For example, the intern might write 1-2 paragraphs on how different transcripts relate to each other, or how data from different codes relate to each other, or how the data seem to be different or similar across countries or religions
  • Potentially read the diary data provided by orphan caregivers and code the caregivers’ short-answer responses on facing challenges and tending to their mental health
  • Potentially aid in doing diary database cleaning and organization
  • In addition, the intern will do some data entry into a REDCap database for a project involving hepatitis C and alcohol use.


  • Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program
  • A desire to learn how to do qualitative analysis
  • Excellent thinking and critical analysis skills
  • Good writing skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Pleasant to get along with and ability to work with a team

This internship is for 10 weeks (40 hours/week) during the summer of 2017, starting in mid-May or early June based on the intern’s school schedule and potentially scheduling with more than one intern so they can start at the same time. $1,000 stipend plus good learning experience provided by Associate Professor Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell and Project Coordinators Heather Parnell and Christina Makarushka. Please email your resume, a letter that outlines your interest in the position and how your skills match the job requirements, and a writing sample to: Heather Parnell, Put “CHPIR Intern” in the Subject Line.  Note that the writing sample can be an academic paper from a class or a piece of creative writing.

Application deadline: March 24, 2017.

Information about the project can be found at:




2017 Summer Internship Opportunity in Health and Social Networks

The Duke Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research

The Duke Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research is looking for a self-motivated graduate student to work with a team analyzing data from a 10-year longitudinal health study of Christian clergy. The topics covered by this study include physical health, social isolation, mental health, spiritual well-being, burnout, the social determinants of health, and much more. This is a great opportunity to work with a large, high-quality, longitudinal dataset; gain skills working with data; learn the REDCap health data collection system; and get support writing a publishable paper. There will also be an opportunity to attend a weeklong writing retreat at the end of July.

Specifically, the successful candidate will:

  • Take raw survey data on social networks and put it into useable form
  • Perform basic social network analysis on these data
  • Begin work on a potentially publishable paper on a topic of interest to the student
  • Aid in doing database cleaning and organization
  • Conduct literature reviews
  • In addition, the student will do some data entry into a complex REDCap database for a project involving hepatitis C and alcohol use.


  • Enrolled in a graduate program in a social science discipline
  • Experience with a statistical package (Stata or R preferred)
  • A desire to learn how to do social network analysis
  • Excellent writing and editing skills
  • Experience conducting literature reviews
  • Strong attention to detail


  • Experience with social network analysis

Approximately 300 hours during the summer of 2017, starting in May or early June based on the student’s schedule, but earlier is better. This is approximately 30 hours/week for 10 weeks but the 300 hours could be allocated differently. $2,500 stipend plus good learning experience. Please email your resume, a letter that outlines your interest in the position and how your skills match the job requirements to: David Eagle, Put “CHPIR Intern” in the Subject Line.

Application deadline: March 24, 2017.

Information about the project can be found at:


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